Besides high-level plenary debates, the 18th IACC in Copenhagen will feature around 35 thought-provoking workshops related to and inspired by the umbrella Conference theme Together for Development, Peace, and Security: Now if the Time to Act

Time frame

Workshop proposals are welcome from 15th February 2018 until midnight Pacific Daylight Time on the 15th April 2018.

How to Submit

Step 1: Read the 18th IACC theme “Together for Development, Peace, and Security: Now if the Time to Act” and consider the rationale behind the theme to get inspiration, and see where your workshop idea would fit. You’ll be asked to explain how the proposal fits with the theme in the workshop application form.

Step 2: Talk to your colleagues, peers and other experts in your field to build a strong panel with regional, sectoral and gender diversity.

Step 3: Submit your proposal via the online form at the bottom of this page. Proposals are to be submitted online only, proposals received via email will not be accepted.

While you’re drafting your proposal, download a copy of these instructions and the Workshop Proposal Form itself in Microsoft Word or in PDF to help you get your ideas together before you submit the final version.

Step 4: Please be aware that to support participation, each workshop included in the Conference agenda will receive a maximum of three conference registration fee waivers for the panel. Please be aware that the 18th IACC cannot provide funding to support travel or accommodation for workshop panellists. For the 18th IACC, all workshops in the agenda shall be self-funded.

Who can submit?

Anyone interested in joining the anti-corruption movement can propose and run a workshop at the IACC. Of all the proposals received, the most thought-provoking and thematically relevant 35 will be selected to hold a workshop at the conference. We welcome workshop proposals from any organisation or individual, and encourage collaboration across organisations and regions. Panels with diversity in terms of gender, geography and organisational expertise are preferred.


Through a series of open and frank debates, the IACC’s goal is to support, empower and engage people from all sectors and countries to stand up against corruption.


In seeking to support, empower and engage people from all sectors and countries to stand up against corruption, the IACC objectives are:

  • To generate new ideas and innovative strategies against corruption, showcasing game changing anti-corruption solutions and the people behind them.
  • To connect people in different sectors and across the world to scale anti-corruption ideas globally.
  • To engage new audiences in the fight against corruption.

Workshop Formats

Each workshop at the 18th IACC will last 120 minutes and should leave time at the end for questions from the audience. The thematic agenda for the 18th IACC workshops is framed in two different formats for you to choose from.

  • Interactive Circle: This is a fishbowl-style, interactive set up. Conversation and debate with the audience is encouraged; lengthy presentations and PowerPoints are discouraged.
  • Panel Debate: This is a traditional panel set up, with a table at the front of the room facing the audience. Fewer presentations and more discussion ideal.

Workshop Proposal FAQ