The conference is open to all to join to the conversation with Sri Sri Ravishankar on Values and the Fight against Corruption. Secure your spot with an open ticket below.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Omni Hotel in the Regency Room for the special occasion!

Special Conversation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Values & Ethics to Combat Corruption

The 20th IACC issues an urgent call to people from all walks of life to take part in the fight against corruption. At its root, corruption is not just about money being stolen. It is about the individual opting for self-interest against the collective well-being. It is about short-termism over longer-term wisdom. Corruption is the negative force that breaks the moral compass of individuals and societies across the North and South.

The traditional approach to fighting corruption focuses on generating external pressure, accountability and sanctions against corrupt behavior. While crucial, these “extrinsic” incentives must be complemented by stronger “intrinsic” commitment to values, ethics, integrity and public service. The fight against corruption is first and foremost a fight to cure and regenerate social and cultural fabrics. It’s about providing the essential values that younger generations will need to reverse entrenched culture of corruption in society and also lead a virtuous journey in their lives. Fighting corruption is, in this sense, a much-needed fight to return to the youth what is fundamentally theirs: optimism and hope.

Accordingly, this session will feature a special conversation between youth and Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, one of the pioneers of the India Against Corruption movement. We will hear his insights on how to find the strength from within to take on corruption, how to rebuild confidence to realize our dream of a more just and sustainable future.