The Accidental President

dir Mike Lerner/Martin Herring – Belarus, 2024, 90 mins

The documentary  follows the story of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, an ordinary primary school teacher who was thrust onto the international political stage when her husband was arrested for challenging Alexander Lukashenko for the presidency in Belarus. Sviatlana stepped forward and won the popular vote but was robbed of her democratic victory by Lukashenko, triggering prolonged nationwide protests. The Accidental President puts the accent on Sviatlana’s extraordinary story, her fight for the future of her country and hopes for a new democratic Belarus. The screening will open the Festival of Artivism – the final event of the conference at the Lukiskes Prison, Vilnius.  

Director Mike Lerner says: We are honoured to screen the Lithuanian premiere of THE ACCIDENTAL PRESIDENT at the iconic Lukiskes Prison in Vilnius.  The city has given sanctuary to Madame President and her team and this is a great opportunity to share her extraordinary story with the people of Vilnius. Staging the event in The Prison will help the audience to reflect on the horrific plight of her husband Sergei Tikhanovsky and the many political prisioners currently being held in inhumane and utterly unacceptable conditions in Lukashenka’s KGB torture prisons in Belarus.“

View Trailer

The Festival of Artivism – Lukiškės Prison 2.0 Friday 21st June 18:00 – 20:00 The screening and post show discussion with directors Mike Lerner and Martin Herring and film protagonists will open the Festival of Artivism. For full event details follow this link.

Madame President Elect Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belarus
Franak Viačorka – Politician, Journalist, Belarus
Mike Lerner – Director, Accidental President, UK
Sergejus Muravjovas (Moderator) – Founder Transparency School, Lithuania

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