Session Reports

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Openings and Conversations

Opening Ceremony

Opening Plenary: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values

Fireside Chat with Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State

Transparency International Amalia Awards

A Special Conversation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Values & Ethics to Combat Corruption

Stream 1 - Uprooting corruption: Global security demands a global response


Uprooting corruption: Global security demands a global response

Workshops under Stream 1

Who Gets the Mansion and the Yacht? Innovations in the Social Reuse of Confiscated Assets

The Fight Beyond the Battlefield: Supporting Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Efforts

Political Integrity 2.0: Bringing the Public Interest Back into Political Leadership

How to Ensure Maximum Transparency & Accountability of the Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine

The Shadow Army Unchecked: Risks of Corruption in the Use of Private Military and Security Companies

Financial Warfare: Are Democracies Ready to Fight? Threats, Defense and Offense

Building Resilience against Foreign Covert Influence through Open Government

Corporate Political Giving and Combating Corruption in a Post-January 6th World

Rethinking the Global Law Enforcement Response to Corruption

Mobilising Youth for Uprooting Corruption

Dirty Tricks and the Gutting of the OECD Convention in Italy

Using the Global Data Barometer to Advance Political Integrity Transparency in OGP Commitments

Stream 2 - Defending the defenders, those who uncover the truth and the victims of corruption and the violations of human rights


Defending the defenders, those who uncover the truth and the victims of corruption and the violations of human rights


10 Pathways to Empower Citizen Investigators to Stop Corruption

Whistleblowers Without Borders

At Your Service: How Western Enablers Facilitate Global Corruption and How to Stop It

Multilateralising Magnitsky Sanctions: How NGOs Can Advocate for Corruption Sanctions

Rethinking Safety and Security for Investigative Journalists

Putting Your Life on the Line: The Frontline of Exposing Corruption

Supporting Whistleblowers and Anti-Corruption Activists through Sanctuary

The United Nations is Failing Whistleblowers: What Needs To Change

Bigger Solutions, Better Democracy: What the U.S. Can Learn From Democracy Abroad

Navigating Barriers to Journalist, Activist, Government, and Law Enforcement Collaboration

Stream 3 - Building the path towards a fair and sustainable future


Building the path towards a fair and sustainable future


Creative Solutions: How to Pass Anti-Corruption Policies in a Gridlocked Congress

Empowering Workers to Realize Fair and Ethical Labor Migrations

Leveraging Corporate Leadership on Beneficial Ownership Transparency to Drive a global Standard

Beyond Gender Mainstreaming: Why We Need a Feminist Approach to Fighting Corruption

Global action on financial integrity to achieve SDGs

Ensuring a Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery: Innovative Anti-Corruption Responses to COVID-19

Strengthening Anti-Corruption Monitoring Mechanisms to Increase Government Accountability

Encouraging Anti-Corruption Reforms and Supporting AC Reformers: Experiences from MCC and the IMF

Fostering Collective Action against Corruption Through Cross-Sectoral Approaches

Faith, Religiosity and Petty Corruption in Service Delivery: Insights for Africa and Policy Implications

The Spark: Catalyzing Collective Action to Drive Anti-Corruption Commitments

Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Corruption in LAC: Evidence and Solution Proposals

Managing Corruption Related Risks in Public Spending During Emergencies: Mission (Im)Possible?

Anti-Corruption Challenges and Opportunities in Impact Investing

The Integrity Pact: A Global Collective Action Standard for Safeguarding Strategic Public Investment

Stream 4 - Overcoming corruption in a race against the climate crisis


Overcoming corruption in a race against the climate crisis


Building Bridges across Conservation and AC Practice to stop Environmental Corruption

Climate Crimes and Strategies to Combat Them in Latin America and the Caribbean

Green but Clean: More Integrity for Stronger Climate Resilience

Ensuring Clean Development in Responding to Emergencies

The Role of Anti-Corruption Amid the ESG Revolution

How Corruption is Enabling Land Grabbing & Exacerbating the Effects of Climate Change

Corruption in an Era of Climate Change: An Ever-Closing Circle?

Environmental Crime, Corruption and Climate Crisis

Why Fighting Corruption is Urgent for a Just Energy Transition

Anti-Corruption’s Next Frontier in Extractive Industries: Procurement of Goods and Services

Learning from Beneficial Ownership Transparency in the Extractive Sector

Stream 5 - Ending dark markets, criminal networks and cross border crimes


Ending dark markets, criminal networks and cross border crimes


Without Passing A Single New Law, What Could the US do Better to Tackle Money-laundering

Deterring and Promoting Accountability for Corrupt Actors through Sanctions and Visa Restrictions

Using Follow-the-Money Techniques to Detect Environmental Crimes: Potential and Challenges

Customs as a Leading Example of Institution-Specific Responses to Corruption

The Case for Human Rights Due Diligence to Tackle Corruption and HR Abuses in Global Supply Chains

How to Tackle Trafficking, Money Laundering, Dark Money and Much More in Religious Organizations

Tackling Money Laundering in the Wildlife Crime Setting

Mafiocracy: State Capture by Organized Crime

The Crisis of Corruption and Impunity in Mexico’s Justice System

Looted Antiquities and Conflict Financing: Fighting Corruption through Strategic Litigation

Exposing the Finances and Actors behind Environmental Crimes

The Corruption Authors: Very Bad People, Enablers, Putin, Kleptocrats and All that is Fit to Print

Stream 6 - Fighting Greed, kleptocracy, oligarchs, money laundering and their enablers


Fighting Greed, kleptocracy, oligarchs, money laundering and their enablers


Signatures for Sale: A Look Inside the Corporate Secrecy Industry

How to Investigate Violent Kleptocracies

Putting the Pieces Together: Collaborating to Tackle Violent Kleptocracies

Safeguarding Assistance through Enhanced Civil Society Cooperation and Structured Risk Assessments

Gatekeepers or Enablers? The Role of Professionals in the Fight Against Illicit Financial Flows

Shadow Campaigns: How Straw Donors and Dark Money Groups Can Hide Corruption in Elections

From Scandal to Legal Response: How Civil Society Can Help Turn Revelations into Legal Action

Dekleptification: Uprooting Entrenched Corruption during Windows of Opportunity

Regrouping after EU Court of Justice Ruling: The Case for Radical Transparency in Asset Ownership

How Do Corporate Investors Address Markets’ Corruption Risk?

The Societal Benefits of Collecting Beneficial Ownerships Information

Beyond Authoritarianism and the Oligarchs: Kleptocracy in Fledgling Democracies

Trading in Corruption: Fighting IFFs in the Billion Dollar Commodity Trading Industry

Beneficial Ownership: Where Do We Go from Here?

How Can International and Development Cooperation Support the Fight against Kleptocrats &Oligarchs

Asset Recovery Developments Since the Start of the War in Ukraine

Implementing the Common African Position on Asset Recovery and Return

Getting Serious about Grand Corruption: How to Scale Up Enforcement

Stream 7 - Focus Track: The future of the fight against corruption


Power of technology, innovation and digital public goods to fight corruption

What’s Next for Tech for Integrity: Emerging Opportunities, Persisting Challenges & Potential Risks

The Future of Anti-Corruption: Data System Best Practices

Building Digital Assets to Actualize the Vision of Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Using Tech and Data in Anti-Corruption Interventions: Moving from Innovation to Buy-In

From Detection to Deterrence: Unleashing the Potential of AI in Anti-Corruption

Beyond Siloes to Shifting Power, Civil Society Collaboration and Localised Donor Support

How Can Data Support Collective Action against Corruption?

TECH: What is good for engaging the Youth, Society’s Harbingers of Change Warding off Corruption


Uprooting corruption: Global security demands a global response

Defending the defenders, those who uncover the truth and the victims of corruption and the violations of human rights

Opening Plenary: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values

Building the path towards a fair and sustainable future

Overcoming corruption in a race against the climate crisis

Ending dark markets, criminal networks and cross border crimes

Fighting Greed, kleptocracy, oligarchs, money laundering and their enablers

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