Tackling corruption as an enabler of organised crime

Tackling corruption as an enabler of organised crime

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This workshop aims to explore the nexus between corruption and organised crime in European seaports. The aim is 1) to explore corruption and organised crime challenges facing major ports in Europe, 2) to share good practices in tackling them, and 3) discuss ways forward for international collective action, with the ultimate goal of enhancing resilience of ports to the infiltration of corruption.

We will first talk to policy experts from the European Commission and Europol that will discuss how European cooperation is key in tackling corruption and organised crime as cross-border phenomena. After this, we will listen to law enforcement officers active in the ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg and dealing on a day-to-day basis with challenges in two of the most important ports in Europe. Finally, an expert from the pan-European research project POSEIDON will present key corruption vulnerability risks in port supply chains and ways in which collective action can enhance port resilience.


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