The theme of the 17th edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is Time for Justice: Equity, Security, Trust.
At the 16th IACC in Malaysia the global movement declared their commitment to zero tolerance of impunity for corruption. “Time for Justice” is a global call to turn the pledge of zero tolerance into concrete action, and to support all those who take a stand against the corrupt. With momentous revelations exposing how secrecy feeds a sophisticated web of corruption across countries and continents, the loss of trust in leadership, governments and the global financial system will take a central stage in the conference agenda. The 17th IACC is planned to take place in Panama City, from the 1st-4th December 2016.

The event will bring together over 1,500 participants from 130 different countries – leaders from the public and private sectors, civil society, international organisations, media and young people – to discuss the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption, to forge meaningful solutions and to jointly set the global anti-corruption agenda for the years to come.
The IACC Series is the world’s largest independent anti-corruption forum. It is jointly organised by the IACC Council and Transparency International. The 17th edition will be hosted by the Government of Panama represented by the Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a la Informacion (the Panamanian National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information) and with the support of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Libertad Ciudadana (Transparency International National Chapter in Panama).
Call for Workshop Proposals opens next week
Over 4 days of open and frank debate, the IACC’s goal is to support, empower and engage people from all sectors and countries to stand up against corruption. Help shape the world’s largest anti-corruption forum by designing and running one of its many diverse and innovative workshops. Anyone interested in the fight against corruption can apply.
The call will open on the 11th May and run until 30th June.