Transparency International is looking for young journalists from all over the world who are passionate about fighting corruption and investigating social issues related to transparency and integrity.
If you meet our eligibility criteria, apply to join us in Washington, D.C. this December, where you’ll have the chance to follow the most interesting discussions, interview leaders and activists, produce stories and start conversations about corruption in media outlets at home and globally. An economy flight to Washington, D.C., 6 nights accommodation at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, the IACC venue, as well as related visa processing costs will covered by the IACC.

6-10 December 2022
Call for Young Journalists: Terms of Reference
These Terms of Reference outline the relationship between Transparency International and the Young Journalists (YJs) selected for the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in December 2022.
1. About the IACC
The IACC is the world’s premier forum for bringing together government, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. It fosters the global exchange of experience and ideas in fighting corruption and promotes cooperation among agencies and citizens from all parts of the world.
The IACC usually takes place every two years in a different region of the world and attracts around 1,600 people from over 130 countries. Last year, over 7,000 people also joined online. The conference serves as the premier global forum for the networking and knowledge sharing that are indispensable for effective advocacy and action at various levels, from national to global.
Under the theme Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democracy, the 20th IACC will meet in Washington, D.C., USA from 6 to 10 December 2022, to tackle a series of the world’s most pressing challenges. Visit for more information.
2. About Transparency International
Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. Through more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, Germany, Transparency International raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to fight back.
3. About the YJ initiative
The 2022 IACC is looking for young journalists from all over the world who are passionate about fighting corruption and have a desire to speak out about, report on and investigate social issues related to transparency and integrity.
We welcome young journalists to join us in Washington, D.C. this December to follow the most interesting discussions throughout the conference, interview leaders and activists, produce stories and start conversations about anti-corruption issues in media outlets at home and globally.
Young Journalists who have participated in the programme become part of the YJ Alumni programme and are given the opportunity to join Journalists for Transparency (, a collective of over 80 journalists and storytellers who report on issues of transparency and corruption around the globe. J4T can provide small-to-medium scale grants for young journalists to work together and investigate specific cases of corruption. The purpose of the initiative is to inspire, enable and empower young journalists to hone their investigative craft in order to better expose corruption and its devastating impact on people’s lives. expose corruption and its devastating impact on people’s lives.
4. Eligibility criteria
Applicants must meet the three criteria listed below:
- You work as a journalist, with solid experience reporting on social issues, and are skilled in one of the following areas:
- Digital/print journalism
- Broadcast journalism
- Video making
- Photojournalism
- Social media (specifically TikTok and Reels)
- You are passionate about fighting corruption and keen to learn more about Transparency International, the IACC and the issues we work on.
- You will be under 35 years old on 10 December 2022 and are fluent in English.
Alumni of the YJ initiative or Journalists for Transparency (J4T) are eligible to return. These journalists are not required to follow this process, but should send an email indicating interest to [email protected].
5. Tasks of the YJs
5.1 Ahead of the conference
- Be familiar with the IACC 2022 programme and how Transparency International works globally and on a national level as well as the priorities outlined in Holding Power to Account,our global strategy against corruption for 2021-2030.
- Attend a virtual briefing with a relevant Transparency International policy expert.
- (optional) Provide input for and promote the various IACC channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo and more.
- (optional) Write blog posts on the IACC blog.
- (optional) Engage with IACC initiatives, including FairPlay, Films for Transparency and the IACC Social Entrepreneurs Initiative.
5.2 At the conference
- Attend an introductory meeting on the day before the conference (5 December) to meet the relevant Transparency International coordinatingstaff and fellow YJs, and discuss roles and responsibilities.
- Be available and responsive to the coordination of Transparency International
- Take on the responsibilities* in the relevant work area below:
- Digital/print journalists: responsible for interviewing conference participants and attending conference sessions and social events in order to write two blogs for publication on the IACC website and for quoting on Twitter. YJs will also be encouraged to file at least one story for publication with their own news outlets or another news outlet (in line with Transparency Internationalguidelines). Transparency International can help with placement of these pieces, if needed.
- Broadcast journalists: responsible for video-interviewing participants and reporting conference highlights via different channels. Very short daily videos for use on social media are also encouraged.
- Video makers: responsible for filming, editing and producing videos.
- Editors: responsible for coordinating the YJ team, editing articles or videos and providing inputs for the IACC daily press briefings and/or social media updates at the conference.
- Photo journalists: responsible fortaking high-quality pictures of participants and speakers at the conference and social events and selecting the best pictures for publication.
- TikTok/Reels journalists: responsible for creating 2-3 videos for these two platforms daily during the conference, in coordination with Transparency International communications staff.
* Please note that these responsibilities may be subject to some changes.
6. Tasks of IACC Series / Transparency International
- Discuss and agree with each YJ their specific tasks for the conference according to interest and skills.
- Provide a background material package ahead of the conference.
- Deliver virtual briefings with relevant Transparency International policy experts.
- Provide necessary guidance and support to YJs.
- Oversee and coordinate all content produced and published.
7. Use of Personal Social Media and Other Channels
- YJs are encouraged to use their own personal social media accounts or their personal blogs to promote IACC content, using the conference hashtags or linking to relevant content.
- Whilst these are individual and personal activities, some readers may nonetheless relate YJs with Transparency International and the IACC. Therefore, we would like to ask YJs to follow these guidelines:
- State clearly that the views you express are your own and not representing the views of Transparency International/the IACC.
- Respect copyright, trademark and all other applicable intellectual property laws.
- Content should not be derogatory or detrimental to the image, reputation, political neutrality or interests of Transparency International/the IACC. This includes:
- advocating for a particular political party
- posting content that would undermine the integrity or impartiality of Transparency International/the IACC
- disclosing facts concerning individual cases of corruption or accusing individuals or entities of wrongdoing, except when the disclosed information is already generally available to the public. Links and references to reputable third-party information may be included.
- You are encouraged to write stories for your own news outlets and explore other angles, as long as these stories do not go against the values set forth by Transparency International/the IACC, as you will be sponsored by Transparency International/the IACC. You should apply good judgment in all cases and, if in doubt, please consult the Transparency International
By applying, all applicants commit to following the basic principles that apply to Transparency International’s work while participating in the programme: